Musical Houses
I don't know if y'all remember the little gray house across the street, but we close on it in 45 days. It happened very suddenly.

It has three upstairs bedrooms plus a kitchen, living room, and bathroom. Downstairs it has two finished rooms + workshop, bathroom and minikitchen. It has a lovely little back yard (way bigger than what we have) that is one step down from the main kitchen. No garage, and both kitchens and both bathrooms need remodeling (the downstairs kitchen will turn into art/play space). It's a great price though for a single family home in Noe Valley, so I think we will be able to do the remodeling right away and still come out with a slightly smaller mortgage than the one we have now. Which is good because we will no longer have rental income.
Now we have to sell the house we already have. Rumor has it that we will get over a million for it (most if not all of that will go into the new house). First we have to paint it outside and in, and do some other minor work. We talk to the finance guy on Monday, and if all goes well there we will start booking co